Welcome to the Interhouse IoT Project Kit. This is an exciting and self-paced way to learn the components and build your own IoT devices. If by some slim chance you are familiar with the Radio Shack Science Fair 75-in-1 Electronic Project Kit, you’ll understand the concept here. If not, think of a self-guided, inexpensive, and easy setup to learn about electronics and programming without having to use solder.

Our Getting Started page walks you through the steps – but at a high level: Start off with your computer, a Microcontroller and an inexpensive sensor assortment from Amazon. Add this site and you are off and running! If you aren’t familiar with the Internet of Things, please start with What is the Internet of Things page. If you are already familiar, then jump to the Getting Started page.

“Internet of Things is transforming the everyday physical objects that surround us into an ecosystem of information that will enrich our lives. From refrigerators to parking spaces to houses, the Internet of Things is bringing more and more things into the digital fold every day, which will likely make the Internet of Things a multi-trillion dollar industry in the near future.”

PricewaterhouseCoopers report

This site is a free reference to source your initial components as well as introductory guides on how to build your own devices. It currently focuses on the initial Perception/sensor layer and will later expand into the other layers.

The content you see here is free to access. I am building a community that will enhance training like this and make it more accessible.

“And just like any company that blissfully ignored the Internet at the turn of the century, the ones that dismiss the Internet of Things risk getting left behind.”

Jared Newman

So please, Get Started and have some fun!