This project was created as part of a Toastmasters committee project. If you aren’t familiar, Toastmasters is an organization that teaches communication, public speaking and leadership skills. The concept is based on the ScienceFair 75-in-1 Electronic Project Kit sold by Radio Shack in the 80s. Adjusted for inflation, at the time this costed around $115 dollars. Our goal is to have a kit where you can acquire all the components to get started in IoT for under $100. Note that the original kit was designed for ages 10 and up. The IoT Project Kit unfortunately is more complex and at this time we have to caution that it is an age 14 and up project. Once adapted to a Raspberry Pi Single Board Computer and the Scratch programming language it should be possible for younger youths to experience. Unfortunately that will raise the cost to get started. Not to mention we haven’t created the content yet.

This project is intended to be a Not For Profit. Note that that concept is different than a Non-Profit. A Non-Profit organizations is an entity that is created and operated for charitable or socially beneficial purposes rather than to make a profit. They aren’t taxed and have to meet specific requirements. A Not For Profit has the same intent and does not have profit as the priority, but does pay taxes.
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