HW-040 Rotary Encoder Module

The HW-040 Rotary Encode Module is a rotary encoder that also has a push button. Rotary encoders create a signal based on the direction and amount they are rotated. They are useful for setting levels or adjusting settings like volume, speed, sensitivity or brightness. You can also use them to regulate stepper motors or servo motors. Unlike potentiometers, rotary encoders can be turned freely 360 degrees repeatedly. The Volume and Output on most home receivers often use rotary encoders.


  • Model: HW-040
  • Working Voltage: 5V


The HW-040 Rotary Encoder has 5 pins. Two are for supplying voltage and three are for the data output from the module.

CLKEncoder Pin A
DTEncoder Pin B
SWNO (Normally Open) push-button switch
+Voltage Input (5V)
GNDGround and Encoder Pin C



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