Amazon lists dozens, if not hundreds, of prebuilt “Sensor” packs. I put quotes on “Sensor” since often the include components that output information but don’t actually “sense” anything about the device’s environment.

If you are just here to learn, I initially got started with the HiLegto 37 Sesor Assorment Kit . At some point I’ll purchase similar kits to see if they are different in any relevant way. If this kit is out of stock, consider the ALMOCN 37 in 1 Sensor Assortment Kit (purchase).

If you have a specific project in mind, I suggest you take a look at the Components page to see if you can purchase just the few specific components you need. I’d also suggest reviewing the prebuilt kits, they might be cheaper after shipping and handling, plus will set you up to learn more and build more diverse devices.


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